A little backstory:

not all paint is created equal.

without getting too technical, historically, paint has been laden with dangerous/toxic chemicals collectively known as VOCs (volatile organic compounds).

these chemicals served many purposes. one of which was to create a hard, laquered finish within a few hours.

these chemicals have been linked to a host of issues such has breathing difficulties, eye, throat irritation, nervous system issues, and strong links to various cancers.

as our regulations have tightened, manufacturers have responded with products that deliver quality results at much lower VOC levels.

however, even with these regulations, there are still many product lines to which iā€™m still not comfortable exposing you, your children, your pets, plants, or me!

thankfully, some paint companies have taken seriously the demand for healthier paints that perform as well or better than their chemical-laden counterparts.

I work with high-end paints from reputable paint companies that deliver quality results with minimal chemical burden to the home environment.

I work primarily with ICRO, Italian-based cabinet coatings. They are leading the way with low VOC, high-performance paints with great durability and longevity. they are the most rigorously tested products currently on the market

the cost for these coatings is higher, but worth the payoff for low VOC, Greenguard certified, KCMA Certified products



  • Low VOC (volatile organic compounds)

  • Zero formaldehyde and mercury

  • Low odor

  • No long-term chemical off-gassing

  • HAPs-free (hazardous air pollutants)

  • Water-borne, non-flammable

cleaner paints for a healthier home